
Friday, October 14, 2011

Thank you, Shannon O'Donnell

The Don is chuffed. I'm speechless (for once).


Because of all the nice things the wonderful Shannon O'Donnell said about us on her Pay-It-Forward blog entry today.

I am actually participating in the Blogfest, but over at the mothership, The Year of Writing Dangerously.

The Don has just learned about that. He's a little less chuffed now. (He's always going on about betrayal and such. Apparently he's now wondering whether Shannon O'Donnell should be the real Middle Grade Mafioso...)


  1. Isn't Shannon wonderful! I just adore her. I popped over from her post about you. :D

  2. I'm over here due to Shannon's recommendation!!

  3. You deserve it. Hope even more people find you.

  4. Hi! I came over from Shannon's place and now I'm following both your blogs! Nice to meet you!

  5. Ha ha ha ha ha! I didn't realize you put this up! You are awesome! :-)


Youse got something to say? Well, say it then. (The Don and I will shoot you... a personal reply, that is. But if we can't find your e-mail, we'll just reply in the comment box.)