
Monday, November 4, 2013

November Natterings

I'm nattering about November, because I have yet again not got a Marvelous Middle Grade Monday to share with you. The reason: I am deep into Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon. I am enjoying it, but it is not a fast read! I've discovered that I quite like these long and involved fantasies (Game of Thrones, anyone?), but they do take time.

Also in November: my group blog, Project Mayhem--the Manic Minds of Middle Grade Writers, is unveiling three new participants this month. Braden Bell, Joe McGee, and Joy McCullough-Carranza have joined the team, and I am very excited to see what insights and opinions they'll share with us. [And I have been promoted to blog manager, continuing my quest for total world-wide-web domination. The Don is proud.]

One of my favorite blogs, Miss Snark's First Victim, is gearing up for the Annual Baker's Dozen Auction. In fact, the YA/MG entry submission dates are this week (on Tuesday and Thursday.) If you have a manuscript ready to go, I would strongly advise you to consider this. It's where, in 2011, I got my mojo to send my work to an agent, and I will be forever thankful to Authoress Anonymous for giving me the confidence to reach for the stars. (Details on the Baker's Dozen HERE).

If any of you are knee-deep in NaNoWriMo: good luck! I've never had the urge to do this, but I doff my fedora to those who do. In fact, I doubt any of you NaNoites are reading blogs these days, so on fire are you to reach those daily word counts.

I hope to be back to MMGM next week. Better stick my nose into Mists again! Have a great reading and writing week!


  1. Michael, You've been doing a great job as PM blog manager! I know I appreciate the reminders you send out a week or so ahead of time. I usually post in advance, but it would be all too easy to forget which date I've been assigned and miss one by accident.

  2. Good to hear what you've been up to. I like adult fantasies, but they're too long for me to have time to read.

  3. World Domination, huh? I've been working on that as well, but I like my knee caps. I'll leave you to it! I read Mists of Avalon years ago-- took forever. I think my children were small at the time and getting to the library was difficult, so I didn't mind the way I would now!

  4. I curtsy to anyone who's nano-ing, too, although the system doesn't work for me. It must be one wild ride!

  5. Same here - I know many writers who swear by NaNo, but it's never the right timing for me. Good luck to everyone who's taking the plunge!

  6. Congrats on being Project Mayhem blog manager! Bet that takes up a lot of your time. Along with the Cybils...

    I've never tried NaNo, but my older son won the first year he participated. I cranked out 23,000 words in the last two months and thought that was a big deal. Don't know how anyone can produce 50K in one month!

    I'll check out the Baker's Dozen Auction. Thanks!

  7. I haven't read The Mists of Avalon. I've noticed, though, that sometimes reading a fantastic adult or non-fiction book takes me longer, but that isn't a reflection on my enjoyment of the book. It took me weeks to read The Life of Pi, and I usually read a book within a couple of days. There was a density there that I savored over time. Enjoy your read!

  8. You're a busy man! And you can be forgiven for taking time out to read such a good book. :)

  9. Congrats on becoming blog manager and happy writing. :)



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