
Monday, May 14, 2012

Amazon Winner

I confess I haven't been keeping up with my middle grade reading, as I have been captivated first by A Game of Thrones, then by The Book Thief, and finally by a selection of chapter books (my favorite so far is Dan Greenburg's Great-Grandpa's in the Litter Box). But I'll be back...

Isn't Doug Savage great?!

While we wait for the singing chickens to finish, let me reveal the winner of The Worst-Case Scenario Ultimate Adventure Novels: Amazon, the book for reluctant readers I reviewed a couple of weeks ago:

B4L, I'll be e-mailing you soon!

Looking forward to reading everyone's MMGMs this week. Ciao!!


  1. Wow, Game of Thrones AND The Book Thief? Those are two EXCELLENT ways to spend your time!

    Congrats to Books 4 Learning!

  2. Reading outside middle grade is allowed. Even good for you. :-) See you back soon on the mg circuit.

  3. I am also guilty of this. good heavens, what next?

  4. Me too! Just keep reading, Mafioso! :)

  5. So glad to hear you've been reading Book Thief. What a wonderful novel!

    Love the chickens.

  6. Do you know...I have a copy of The Book Thief and I have not read it yet. So many books...

    LOL on the chickens!

  7. Great-grandpa's in the litter box? I'm going to have to look for that.

  8. I find a useful chrome extension to help you quick search products at


Youse got something to say? Well, say it then. (The Don and I will shoot you... a personal reply, that is. But if we can't find your e-mail, we'll just reply in the comment box.)