
Monday, July 2, 2012

Why I Like Having a European Boss

Dining alfresco in Sicily

European bosses are the best. (Well, not at this precise moment, just after Italy's soccer stars got shellacked by Spain in Euro 2012. There's been some breaking of furniture in the TV room.)

But, apart from odd bursts of ill-temper, a European boss understands something very important: You HAVE to go on vacation. And not just one of those paltry American vacations of a week or ten days. A true vacation lasts at least a month. It does not comprise of going to Disneyland, or even Atlantic City. No, the Don returns to Sicily and spends long, languourous days in the orange groves. He reads, swims, and plays the occasional round of golf. There's lots of pasta, chianti, and accordion playing. Everyone has to give in their Smartphones and iPads--even that Twitterophile, Luca Brasi Jr.--and disconnect completely.

Therefore, for the rest of July, the blog here will be dark. The Don agrees I don't have to accompany him back to Palermo--so I'll be heading for the Oregon Coast followed by the Washington Cascades. There will be no wireless there, just the snow-capped peaks and the racing rivers. A time to replenish the soul, and catch up with the reading.

See you in August!!


  1. Have a great vacation! See you when you get back.

  2. That sounds wonderful, Michael. Have a great time!

  3. Drat -- I just returned from my own blogging break and now you're gone! Enjoy your well-deserved vacation, Michael!

  4. The Europeans are right on this one. :)

    Enjoy your break.

  5. It’s good to read such interesting stuff on the Internet as I have been able to discover here. I agree with much of what is written here and I’ll be coming back to this website again. Thanks again for posting such great reading material!!

  6. Love this post! I want a European boss ;) Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  7. I think we could all use a European boss! They do understand vacations- and I think we could all benefit from longer ones. :)



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